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About me

Cover letter

With over 12 years of experience as a full stack developer, I bring a wealth of expertise in a diverse range of technologies to the table. For the past 8 years, I have served as a technical leader, actively involved in both team management and project oversight.

In addition to my technical responsibilities, I have played a pivotal role in managing teams, handling estimations, and facilitating communication across cross-functional teams to ensure seamless project delivery.

My skill set encompasses leadership, problem-solving, research, analytical innovation, and proficiency in various software engineering techniques and design patterns. I pride myself on being a responsible, creative, honest, proactive team member who thrives in collaborative environments.

Throughout my career journey, I have honed my craft in front-end development using Vanilla JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Transitioning to server-side applications, I expanded my repertoire after pursuing careers in PHP and Java within Education IT. My proficiency extends to frameworks such as CodeIgniter, Symfony, and Spring/Spring Boot. Additionally, I possess strong competencies in SQL relational databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQLServer.

In recent years, while continuing to excel in front-end development with leading frameworks like React and Angular, I've also delved deeper into back-end technologies, particularly Java. Additionally, I've embarked on a journey exploring Python and data visualization, broadening my skill set to encompass a wider spectrum of technologies and applications. Whether it's crafting intuitive user interfaces or designing robust back-end systems, I approach each project with enthusiasm and a commitment to delivering high-quality solutions.

Technology Expertise


  • JavaScript: Extensive experience in building dynamic, responsive web applications and frameworks such as React, Angular, and Node.js. Proficient in ES6+ features and asynchronous programming.

  • Java: Strong background in Java development, including enterprise-level applications using Spring Framework (Spring MVC, Spring Boot) and Hibernate for ORM.

  • TypeScript: Strong ability to develop large-scale applications with TypeScript, ensuring type safety and scalability.

  • HTML/CSS: Advanced skills in creating semantic, accessible, and responsive web layouts. Proficient with preprocessors like Less and Sass for enhanced CSS capabilities.

  • Python: Skilled in Python for scripting, automation, and data visualization projects. Personal experience with libraries such as pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib.


  • React/React Native: Expertise in building high-performance, interactive user interfaces for web and mobile applications.

  • Redux: Proficient in managing application state with Redux, ensuring predictable state updates.

  • Angular/AngularJS: Proficient in developing applications with Angular and AngularJS, ensuring efficient data binding and modular architecture.

  • Spring MVC/Spring Boot: Expertise in developing enterprise-level Java applications with Spring MVC and Spring Boot for rapid development and deployment.

  • Symfony: Experience in developing robust PHP applications with Symfony, following best practices and design patterns.


  • SQL Server: Skilled in managing and optimizing SQL Server databases, including stored procedures and performance tuning.

  • PostgreSQL: Proficient in using PostgreSQL for complex queries, data integrity, and performance optimization.


  • Doctrine: Experience with Doctrine ORM for PHP, facilitating database interactions and ensuring data integrity.

  • Hibernate: Skilled in using Hibernate for Java applications, enabling efficient database operations and management.

  • JPA: Proficient in Java Persistence API (JPA) for managing relational data in Java applications.

Source Control

  • Git: Extensive experience with Git for version control, branching, and merging strategies to ensure code quality and collaboration.

  • TFS: Skilled in using Team Foundation Server (TFS) for source control, build automation, and continuous integration.


  • SVN: Proficient in using Subversion (SVN) for version control and managing code repositories.

  • Mongoose: Expertise in using Mongoose for MongoDB, providing schema-based solutions and data modeling.

  • MongoDB: Proficient in using MongoDB for building scalable, high-performance NoSQL databases.

  • MySQL: Extensive experience in designing, querying, and optimizing relational databases.

  • Oracle: Experience in working with Oracle databases, including PL/SQL programming and performance optimization.

  • Node.js: Expertise in building scalable server-side applications, RESTful APIs, and real-time applications with frameworks such as Next.js, Express.js and Meteor.js.

  • PHP: Proficient in developing server-side applications, utilizing frameworks like Symfony and CodeIgniter, and integrating with various CMS and e-commerce platforms.