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Application Development Specialist

at Accenture

Technical leader for ISBAN (software engineering factory of Santander Rio).

We built from scratch a dynamic process model to hire new products for the bank. My role was to implement a highly customizable architecture, to create a strong API capable of handling new features without new implementation on the different clients.

Main features

  • Multiplatform.
  • Capable of handling multiple services.
  • Capable of connecting to new services without code changes.
  • Capable of applying business rules globally.
  • Highly adaptable to different clients.
  • Capable of being used in internal or external networks.

Main tasks include

  • Design and implementation of scalable solutions.
  • Distributing tasks and assigning roles to the team.
  • Requirements analysis.
  • Supporting the development team.
  • Improving developers skills.
  • Code review / Code quality.
  • Implementing security rules.
  • Evolutionary development.

During my first year as technical leader I was leading a team of 8 developers. My obligation was to improve my team’s abilities and assume the responsibility of timelines with the client.

By the end of the first year the team had grown and we finished the year with more than 20 developers and 2 team leaders (Backend, Frontend).